Bookcites Citation Index


About Bookcites Citation Index: Bookcites has an easy interface and multiple search options. You can search not only by citation but also by title and author. In the panel specially prepared for institutions, advanced statistics such as institutional citation count, reading and download counts are presented in detail.

In Bookcites;

* There are 400+ publishing houses.

* There are 90,000+ publishing house books.

* There are 90,000+ full-text proceedings books.

* There are 110,000+ full-text proceedings.

* There are 9 million+ citations.

* The number of publishing houses, books and citations is increasing day by day.

What features are available?

The Bookcites Citation Index aims for the simplest interface and offers helpful tools that will allow users to find their citations:

* There is an option to sort by year in search results.

* Information such as author, publisher, year for each article can be accessed by clicking on the book in the search result.

* The results found can be easily printed.

* The number of institutional uses and search numbers are presented to the institution as a statistical report.

* is a mobile device compatible service.

*  External access opportunities are provided.