Order Name and Surname Mission
Rectorate Senior Management
1 Prof. Dr. Ömer PAKİŞ Rector
2 Prof. Dr. Can YILMAZ Vice Chancellor
3 Prof. Dr. Cemal ULUTAŞ Vice Chancellor
4 Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sait TAYLAN Vice Chancellor
5 Prof. Dr. Can YILMAZ Faculty of Health Sciences Deputy Dean
6 Prof. Dr. Cemal ULUTAŞ Faculty of Education Deputy Dean
7 Prof. Dr. Erdoğan BADA Faculty of Fine Arts Deputy Dean
8 Prof. Dr. Hakan GÜNDOĞMUŞ Faculty of Engineering Deputy Dean
9 Prof. Dr. İbrahim BOR Faculty of Theology Deputy Dean
10 Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cevher MARIN Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Deputy Dean
11 Prof. Dr. Turgay ÖZGÜR Sports Science Faculty Deputy Dean
12 Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN Institute for Graduate Studies Deputy Manager
13 Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sait TAYLAN Vocational School of Health Services Deputy Manager
14 Deputy Manager Murat GÖZÜBÜYÜK School of Foreign Languages Deputy Manager
15 Assoc. Prof. Ali Rıza DENİZ Çölemerik VHS Deputy Manager
16 Asst. Prof. Metin ERTAŞ Yüksekova VHS Deputy Manager
17 Asst. Prof. Feyat KAYA Faculty of Education Vice Dean
18 Asst. Prof. Osman KARAHAN Faculty of Education Vice Dean
19 Assoc. Prof. Firdevs SAĞLAM Faculty of Fine Arts Vice Dean
20 Assoc. Prof. Volkan Burak KİBİCİ Faculty of Fine Arts Vice Dean
21 Prof. Dr. Ekrem Yaşar AKÇAY Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Vice Dean
22 Assoc. Prof. Halil Emre DENİŞ Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Vice Dean
23 Assoc. Prof. Nurettin ÇİFTÇİ Faculty of Theology Vice Dean
24 Asst. Prof. Mehmet Bahattin ALPHAN Faculty of Theology Vice Dean
25 Assoc. Prof. Hasan AĞIL Faculty of Engineering Vice Dean
26 Asst. Prof. Yusuf Yargı BAYDİLLİ Faculty of Engineering Vice Dean
27 Asst. Prof. Dilek DEMİR KÖSEM Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean
28 Asst. Prof. Özgür TUTAL Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean
29 Asst. Prof. Mürşit AKSOY Sports Science Faculty Vice Dean
30 Asst. Prof. Umut YILMAZ Sports Science Faculty Vice Dean
31 Asst. Prof. Bahadır TÖRÜN Institute for Graduate Studies Asst. Manager
32 Asst. Prof. Yusuf TAN Institute for Graduate Studies Asst. Manager
33 Asst. Prof. Muzaffer MÜKEMRE Yüksekova VHS Asst. Manager
34 Asst. Prof. Tayfun ÇETİN Yüksekova VHS Asst. Manager
35 Lecturer Ali YİĞİT Çölemerik VHS Asst. Manager
36 Lecturer Yunus ÖZKAN Çölemerik VHS Asst. Manager
37 Lecturer Mehmet Şerif ARSLAN Vocational School of Health Services Asst. Manager
38 Lecturer Serdar ÖZDİNÇ Vocational School of Health Services Asst. Manager
39 Lecturer Abdullah YOLDAŞ School of Foreign Languages Asst. Manager
40 Lecturer Fırat KESKİN School of Foreign Languages Asst. Manager
41 Senar HATİM Secretary General
42 Feridun ALP Deputy Secretary General
43 Mahmut YİMEZ Deputy Secretary General
44 Ümmü Gülsüm ÜMİT Information Processing Department Head of Department
45 Lokman ÖMEROĞLU Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Head of Department
46 Kerim AKAR Library and Documentation Department Head of Department
47 Faruk KARA Student Registrar’s Office Department Head of Department
48 Sefer ÖZATAK Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports Head of Department
49 Habip BEYTER Strategy Development Directorate Head of Department
50 Erbil AÇAR Construction Works and Technical Department Head of Department
51 İshak AÇAR Personnel Department Vice Head of Department
52 Nusrettin TUĞA Faculty of Fine Arts Secretary
53 Şanser KUTLUK Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Secretary
54 Feridun ALP Faculty of Education Vice Secretary
55 Abdulmecit YILMAZ Faculty of Theology Vice Secretary
56 Ramazan ÖZDEMİR Faculty of Engineering Vice Secretary
57 Mahmut YİMEZ Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Secretary
58 Cemalettin BUGUTEKİN Sports Science Faculty Vice Secretary
59 Abidin ARSLAN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Natural Gas Manager
60 Hasan GEZER Çölemerik VHS Cleaning staff
61 Sinan YALÇIN Çölemerik VHS Cleaning staff
62 Fuat KILIÇ Faculty Classrooms Cleaning staff
63 Abidin ARSLAN Hakkari City Archives and Ethnography Museum Directorate Cleaning staff
64 Özgür TUR Hakkari City Archives and Ethnography Museum Directorate Cleaning staff
65 Bedel KAYA Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
66 Cihan YAĞAN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
67 Ekrem ENGİN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
68 Enver AKAN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
69 Fevzi AYDIN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
70 Hamit AKMAZ Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
71 Haydar SEVEN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
72 Mehmet KAÇAR Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
73 Mehmet Selim ERİP Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
74 Murat DEMİR Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
75 Mütalip SEVEN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
76 Nahide TERTEMİZ Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
77 Özgür TUR Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
78 Recep AKBULUT Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
79 Rıfat ER Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
80 Şemsettin PALA Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
81 Şinasi KAYA Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
82 Yaşar ENGİN Administrative and Financial Affairs Department Cleaning staff
83 Abdulkadir KESKİN Faculty of Theology Cleaning staff
84 Bülent TAŞ Faculty of Theology Cleaning staff
85 Hamdiye KAZANDIOĞLU Library and Documentation Department Cleaning staff
86 Mehmet KIZILKAYA Faculty of Engineering Cleaning staff
87 Fikriye ER Vocational School of Health Services Cleaning staff
88 Nezahat IŞIK Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports Cleaning staff
89 Zafer AŞAN Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports Cleaning staff
90 Züleyha ÖZBEK Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports Cleaning staff
91 Adil ÇİFTÇİ Continuing Education Application and Research Center Cleaning staff
92 Kerim BAYHAN Yüksekova VHS Cleaning staff
93 Yoldaş TAŞ Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports Guest House Manager